Watch amazing videos from the world of extreme sports in HD. Portal dedicated to videos, pictures and articles about extreme sports. This site is not just for those who are engaged in this extreme fun, but also for those who do prefer to watch from the comfort of your living room.

Nové video od InfinityList - The Cinematic Sports Experience. Video s názvem "Experience Freedom" vás provede světem parašutismu a BASE jumpingu v těch nejúžasnějších míst na světě.


Light off - Music up - Full screen!

We are very proud to be working with the some of the worlds most talented Skydive, Base Jumping and Wingsuit athletes. Our aim through this video is to showcase their work and open the doors for other athletes and filmmakers and provide opportunities for greater exposure. This is The INFINITY LIST Mission and we do it in eight adventure sports categories. It's what we do. 

The Experience Freedom Journey will take you through the world of skydiving and Base Jumping in some of the most amazing and scenic locations in the world.