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Espen Fadnes - světová nejrychlejší létající lidská bytost 2010 se spojila s projektovými manažery Goovinn sdělit si veškeré zkušenosti z létání. Ze spolupráce vyšel film SENSE OF FLYING! Neuvěřitelná rychlost letu, 250 km/h je zachycena na kamery GoPro.


Espen Fadnes – On the movie:

“The first time I sat down and saw the result I got that feeling in my stomach, I really sensed the same kind of anxiety flowing through my body that I get while standing on the edge of a cliff, ready for exit. What I saw and heard on the computer screen was closer to the real sense of flying than anything else I had seen before.“

Espen Fadnes – On the project:
“Working with Goovinn has been two-way communication from day one. It has challenged me on a higher level than former sponsorships in extreme sports. The result is therefore personalized for me, and hopefully for the Goovinn crew. Clearly, I also see a different and better result – one that we can be proud of. “

Paul Göransson, Marketing manager at Goovinn  - On the project
Working with Espen is really exciting, he is a true professional at what he does. When we first met to talk about doing something together we quickly decided on the idea of making a film about wingsuiting – a realistic depiction of the tension before takeoff, the sounds, the sights and thoughts on flying. Espen is passionate about realistically communicating the sense of flying to those of us who don’t dare to fly…

We then set up the project as we would have with any other project we do at Goovinn, a clear goal (realistically communicating the sense of flying), time line, cost, project group and way of working. Developing the idea, filming in the beautiful Norwegian mountains and post production has been a blast.

Espen Fadnes – On the future of the sport of wingsuiting
I believe the filming of wingsuiting must take other directions in the years to come. We, as an environment of ambitious flyers, need to look for new ways of performing both in the mountains and in the presentation of our sport. We are connected through social networks and that means our sport is given an identity – both physically in valleys like Stryn – and now more than ever on the internet. How we perform, learn from each other and become better and safer flyers will directly come out as a consequence of how we put our work out for show.

This film is one small contribution in how to think new about the presentation of our beloved sport. Now please fellow jumpers (and viewers): Go out, make your project happen, capture amazing shots and show them to us in a way that forces our variety of emotions to come out. Good luck!