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Velmi úspěšný a nadaný filmař Liam Mullany a jeho vydařený Demo Reel 2011. Ve videu se objeví známí jezdci, jako Kirk McDowall, Mike Hopkins, Evan Schwartz, Pat McCarter nebo Stefan McKee.


Riders: Kirk McDowall, Mike Hopkins, Evan Schwartz, Pat McCarter, Bas Van Steenbergen, Tom Van Steenbergen, Steven Leslie, Patrick Hage-Moussa, Graeme Meiklejohn, Nick Pennell, Kirk Chavarie, Stefan McKee, Ryan Knill, Carlos Zumino and Matthew Chong.: Kirk McDowall, Mike Hopkins, Evan Schwartz, Pat McCarter, Bas Van Steenbergen, Tom Van Steenbergen, Steven Leslie, Patrick Hage-Moussa, Graeme Meiklejohn, Nick Pennell, Kirk Chavarie, Stefan McKee, Ryan Knill, Carlos Zumino and Matthew Chong.

Technical Aspects: Canon 7D, Panasonic AG-AF100, Various Dolly Setups, Glidecam1000HD, Kessler Crane, Final Cut Pro, Magic Bullet, After Effects