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Legs Of Steel
- Freestyle Skiing in Kaunertal. Edit od Extreme sports - HD videos, který byl vytvořen pro poctu největším jezdců na světě. Original videos: Legs Of Steel - Nothing Else Matters ve spolupráci s Red Bull Media House, Völkl, Marker, Oakley, Fiat Freestyle Team


Legs Of Steel - Freestyle Skiing in Kaunertal, edit by Extreme sports - HD videos. "Nothing Else Matters" in association with Red Bull Media House, Völkl, Marker, Oakley, Fiat Freestyle Team, Leki, Atomic and Monashee Powder Snowcats. 

This edit from  was done for homage to the greatest riders in the world.

Featured Athletes: Tobi Reindl, Bene Mayr, Paddy Graham, Thomas Hlawitschka, Sven Kueenle, Fabio Studer, Max Hill, Lucas and Tobi Mangold, Antii Ollila, Oscar Scherlin, Lolo Favre, Antti Otilla, Elvis Harsheim, Sebi Geiger, Nico Zacek, Tobi Tritscher and Toni Höllwart.
Filmed, Directed and Produced by Andre Nutini.
Official web:
Music: M83 - Klaus I Love You
Wallpapers by Pally Learmond:
Fabio Studer, by Pally Learmond.
1920 x 1080 (click for wide screen)

Thomas Hlawitschka, by Pally Learmond. 

1920 x 1080 (click for wide screen)

Elvis, Lucas, Bene, Sebi, Antti and Tobi, by Pally Learmond. 
1920 x 1080 (click for wide screen)
Pally Learmond, see more of his work at